
Development Manager (H/F/X) offres d´emploi
à Sefferweich


81 Résultats

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    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 730092/1
    As a (Senior) Project Manager for Infotainment Software Development, you will plan and lead the development of application software towards achieving milestone goals Collaborate with Scrum Masters and Product Owners to e...
    Lippstadt & remote
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 729050/1
    In the Global Software house you are responsible for creation and maintenance of an Autosar Basic Software. Planning and steering the activities of the SW team, coordinated with other stakeholder and execution of the de...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 685894/1
    You plan, prepare, conduct – remotely and on site – report and follow up audits from the clinical annual audit program (includes Investigator Site, Contract Research Organisation and external supplier audits). Ideally, y...

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    Different locations possible
    Permanent employment with our customer
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 544694/1
    Manage projects, coordinate multiple strategy and transaction engagements and motivate your team to work together on common tasks Promote the professional and personal development of your team members Develop integration...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 564794/1
    System- & Functional Engineering Project Leadership in GPDS 3.0 for all project parameters (timing, cost, function, weight, quality) incl. change management (per AVBOM, DCR, AIMS, WERS etc.) Reporting all work packages a...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 725838/1
    You identify and plan the necessary Product Cyber Security activities within the development project from acquisition to SOP to comply with ISO/SAE 21434 You analyze the product scope regarding Product Cyber Security ri...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 604018/1
    Lead the establishment of configuration management and infrastructure applied in the project organization Lead the establishment and development of build system applied in the project organization Responsible for build m...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 695634/1
    Develop and maintain project plan and ensure expected release dates are met for agreed scope, resources are available as required, and cost stay within expected boundaries Conduct as is process analysis and design to be ...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 759593/1
    Leadership and coordination of cross-functional Project-Team in Development Projects Communicate with internal and external stakeholders, customers and suppliers to achieve cost, time, product and quality goals Track pro...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 746694/1
    Leading and supporting regulatory strategies for global product submissions Ensuring compliance with international regulatory requirements and standards Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including R&D, Quality...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 710917/1
    Follow-up sending, submission and approval of CTA package with affiliate (GRA affiliates, or partners, as appropriate) Contribute to preparation of HA meeting, if any (e.g. consultation of HA for discussion on a protocol...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 744573/1
    Primary objectives are to manage timing, quality, and financial results of programs from start to finish Enthuse the customer with the performance of the product and the services provided and primary point of communicati...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 756113/1
    Build and lead a Key Account team capable of supporting Hyundai's commercial, operational, and financial goals. Develop team members and accelerate the growth of early-career high-potential talent. Develop a strong pipe...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 701111/1
    Leading the tactical procurement part within “Source to Contract” (S2C) process of defined area as well as executing RfQs, negotiations and contracting Providing functional and operational support to assigned areas/entit...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 602707/1
    Provide regulatory support for electrical appliances Partnering with service provides such as TÜV, VDE, etc. Governing devices, providing critical input during the entire product development process Ensure that all relat...
    Rhein-Main area
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 602706/1
    Regulatory support for all electrical appliances Partnering with the external supply partners, you will guide the business on the regulatory deliverables You will work with service providers, such as TÜV, VDE etc. You w...
    Heidelberg area
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 625809/1
    You have to prepare timely and accurate category plans, forecasts, outlooks and strategic views You have to provide market analysis to understand and explain significant category performance variations from historical or...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 760870/1
    Sourcing Strategies Development:- Work closely with offer and project Teams to create sourcing and procurement strategies.- Identify and capture demand, potential suppliers, and establish communication channels with them...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 752941/1
    Development and management of 24 month customer plan based on insights and business objectives Owning the onsite activation plan including promotional activations. This includes BAU planning and seeking out new opportuni...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    date de début : tout de suite
    Numéro de référence: 742798/1
    Overall responsibility to deliver the end-to-end project in budget, time and scope meeting quality expectation Coordination and alignment of plan with other areas, Logistics, Engineering and suppliers Project management ...
    1 2 3 5

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