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quality manager (M/F/D) Job offers


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    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 760870/1
    Sourcing Strategies Development:- Work closely with offer and project Teams to create sourcing and procurement strategies.- Identify and capture demand, potential suppliers, and establish communication channels with them...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 749098/1
    Determine the multi-language booklet labels MLBLs specifications (size, type) Ordering of booklets Request and review quotes/purchase orders for booklet orders Track the timelines provided for the orders and escalate in ...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 564794/1
    System- & Functional Engineering Project Leadership in GPDS 3.0 for all project parameters (timing, cost, function, weight, quality) incl. change management (per AVBOM, DCR, AIMS, WERS etc.) Reporting all work packages a...

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    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 752941/1
    Development and management of 24 month customer plan based on insights and business objectives Owning the onsite activation plan including promotional activations. This includes BAU planning and seeking out new opportuni...
    Basel region
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 762531/1
    Prepare and run test scripts in the area of the assigned work package Identify critical integration points and dependencies within Commercial and across other Functions Propose solutions for key gaps Provide effort esti...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 742798/1
    Overall responsibility to deliver the end-to-end project in budget, time and scope meeting quality expectation Coordination and alignment of plan with other areas, Logistics, Engineering and suppliers Project management ...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 702941/1
    Collaborate with BI Analysts, BI Engineers, Data Engineers, and Solution Architects to understand business needs and define requirements for data use cases, reports, and analytics. Serve as the primary point of contact f...
    in the area of Ulm
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 559143/1
    Support Clinical Trail Leader and Clinical Trial Manager in all trial related activities during preparation, conduct and report phase of trial, including but not limited to trial team correspondence, clinical trial docu...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 733225/1
    Execute Risk & Chance Assessments (in cooperation with your Team) during the PIRA/TERA/TFU in line with CPORM Policy Provide independent recommendations under which conditions to proceed, and ensure the quality of work i...
    Copenhagen, Denmark, Carlsberg Byen, Winge Hus
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 718709/1
    Communicates in high quality with a tailored support to the individual customer. Acts proactively in communication with customers whereby structural visits by the account manager should also be proposed to achieve maxim...
    Basel Stadt
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 745671/1
    Performing all warehouse and distribution activities in compliance with requirements and the corresponding procedures. Performs cleaning of workplace Performs GMP compliant documentation of the executed activities in ele...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 755462/1
    Interpret data, analyse results using statistical techniques and provide ongoing reports Support the collation, analytics and report creation for category strategies, tenders, contract implementation, supplier financial ...
    Basel Stadt
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 759788/1
    Leads end-to-end data migration activities, ensuring the accuracy, completeness, and integrity of data transferred from legacy systems to SAP platform Proactively identifies and mitigates risks associated with data migra...
    im Großraum Ulm
    Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 575272/1
    Eigenverantwortliches Planen, Durchführen, Prüfen und Einrichten von Berechtigungen bzw. Nutzerkonten (u.a. User Account Management, Access Control und Passwortwechsel) auf Basis des jeweiligen Berechtigungskonzeptes unt...
    Basel Land
    Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 755981/1
    Die eigenständige Verwaltung der Dokumente unseres Qualitätsmanagement-Handbuchs Die Erfassung und Verfolgung von Beanstandungen, Abweichungen und den daraus resultierenden Massnahmen (CAPA) Die Bearbeitung der Änderunge...
    Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 511370/1
    Qualitätsmanager für den Bereich GMP/GDP und Medical Devices (MDR) und stellen deren Compliance sicher Erstellung und zeitgerechte Aktualisierung von Arbeitsanweisungen (SOPs) Angemessene Schulungen der Arbeitsanweisunge...
    Großraum München
    Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 676901/1
    Unterstützung von Initiativen zur Aufrechterhaltung oder Verbesserung der Qualitätsleistung und Konformität operativer Aktivitäten, einschließlich Risikomanagement, Berichterstattung der Gesundheitsbehörde, IT-Systeme Un...
    Festanstellung durch unseren Kunden
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 756315/1
    Qualität von gekauften Materialien und Dienstleistungen sicherstellen Lieferanten frühzeitig auf Qualität vorbereiten Unterstützung des Produktdesigns und der Entwicklung im Hinblick auf Lieferanten Auswahl und Qualifizi...
    Mittelhessischer Lahn-Dill-Kreis
    Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 727281/1
    Prozessmodellierung und Prozessoptimierung der QM-relevanten End-to-end Prozesse Bereichs- und abteilungsübergreifende Prozessoptimierung Erarbeitung eines neuen Case Managements mit den Fachbereichen und globalen, lokal...
    Anstellung bei der Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 526999/1
    Managen der Umsetzung des Qualitätsmanagementsystems durch Einführung,Aufrechterhaltung und kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Prozesse in voller Übereinstimmung mit allen anwendbaren nationalen und internationalen GxP-Vor...
    1 2 3 8

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