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Staff Hire
The flexible solution for your company

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Staff leasing, also known as personnel leasing, offers unique opportunities and strategic advantages for companies. In particular, companies that need to cover temporary order peaks or bridge bottlenecks can benefit considerably from the staff leasing model.

This is precisely where Hays' expertise as a specialised personnel service provider comes in. Whether you need staff at short notice or are looking for specific skills for a specific period of time, our range of staff leasing services is wide-ranging and individually tailored to your needs.

With staff leasing from Hays, you have access to a large pool of qualified workers. They not only contribute their know-how to your projects, but also provide new perspectives for your company. Furthermore, there is the possibility that a long-term partnership will develop from a temporary collaboration.

Together with you, we will determine in which areas of your company you need energetic temporary support. Take advantage of the opportunities offered by personnel leasing and benefit from our flexibility and competence.

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Staff leasing refers to the situation in which employees work for a company other than the one with which they have concluded an employment contract. All forms of staff leasing have in common that there is a triangular relationship between the employer (lender), the company using the staff (so-called hirer) and the employee (see figure).

Grafik Leiharbeit
Grafik Leiharbeit
Grafik Leiharbeit

The central role is played by the personnel service provider (Hays) as the lender. We have permanent employees whose work we "lend" to companies (hirers) for a certain period of time. Contracts are concluded both between the employees and Hays and between Hays and the company (hirer). The employees and the user company do not conclude a contract. The temporary workers merely provide services for the company.

There are various forms of personnel leasing, which we explain in more detail below:

In temporary work, workers are hired only to be loaned out. The company that hires out the worker does not itself have its own production or service operation. A separate employment contract is concluded for each assignment.

In temporary work, workers are hired only to be loaned out. The company that hires out the worker does not itself have its own production or service operation. A separate employment contract is concluded for each assignment.

Temporary agency work involves hiring workers with the aim of lending them out to companies that use them. The company that hires the workers usually also has its own business where it deploys the employees. An employment contract is concluded for a specific period of time, which is independent of the individual assignments.

Temporary agency work involves hiring workers with the aim of lending them out to companies that use them. The company that hires the workers usually also has its own business where it deploys the employees. An employment contract is concluded for a specific period of time, which is independent of the individual assignments.

In the case of occasional leasing, employees are not hired with the aim of providing labour. The work is only made available to other enterprises in exceptional cases, e.g. to help out in another enterprise during the high season or to bridge a drop in turnover in one's own enterprise. No special permission is required for occasional hiring out.

In the case of occasional leasing, employees are not hired with the aim of providing labour. The work is only made available to other enterprises in exceptional cases, e.g. to help out in another enterprise during the high season or to bridge a drop in turnover in one's own enterprise. No special permission is required for occasional hiring out.

In principle, the intra-group hiring out of personnel is subject to authorisation. However, there are exceptions, e.g. if the purpose of the loan is exclusively the acquisition of specialist knowledge, language skills or the transfer of know-how within the group.

In principle, the intra-group hiring out of personnel is subject to authorisation. However, there are exceptions, e.g. if the purpose of the loan is exclusively the acquisition of specialist knowledge, language skills or the transfer of know-how within the group.

Staff leasing is classified as commercial if it is carried out on a regular basis and for profit.

Staff leasing is classified as commercial if it is carried out on a regular basis and for profit.

Our experts will be happy to advise you on all matters relating to staff leasing in Switzerland, your options and areas of application.



It is a common misconception that the use of personnel hire or temporary work is only a stopgap solution - for when it is not possible to find permanent employees. However, the reality is different. The modern working world is changing and the model of professional personnel hire is proving to be extremely beneficial for many companies.

Human Resources Grafik
Human Resources Grafik
Human Resources Grafik

As a company, you benefit from the following advantages of personnel hire, among others:

  • Flexibility: With personnel hire or personnel leasing, you can react quickly and flexibly to changes in your company. You can cover seasonal peaks or carry out short-term projects without making long-term commitments.
  • Time saving: By working with a recruitment agency such as Hays, you can significantly reduce the amount of time you spend looking for staff. Hays takes care of the entire recruitment and selection process.
  • Access to qualified professionals: With Hays, you have access to a large pool of qualified professionals. This is particularly advantageous in industries with a shortage of skilled workers.
  • Cost control: With personnel hire, you only pay for the work actually performed. This allows you to better control and plan your staffing costs.
  • Reduce risks: With personnel hire, you minimise the risks associated with permanent employment, such as protection against dismissal and continued payment of wages in the event of illness.
  • Concentrate on your core business: By using staff leasing, you can concentrate on your core competencies and leave personnel management to the experts at Hays.


Do you need competent reinforcement at short notice? Then we have the flexible solution for you with personnel leasing. Thanks to our decades of experience in the leasing of qualified personnel, we have built up a large pool of experts that we can call on at any time. This enables us to provide you with energetic support for your short-term vacancies within a very short time.

Decide for yourself the period of time for which you would like to make use of our experts within the framework of personnel hire. Our offer goes beyond pure personnel hire. From the initial discussions to the end of the personnel hire and beyond, we are there to help and advise you with any questions or problems you may have.

Working with our recruitment agency offers you the following advantages:

  • Hays takes care of the entire recruitment process: including in-depth screening of the required skills, negotiation of terms with candidates, onboarding and ongoing support for employees throughout the placement.
  • Comprehensive advice: from optimisation of the job advertisement to final selection and strategic recruiting advice,
  • large pool of qualified temporary staff,
  • Compliance sourcing: consulting concept for the rule-compliant design of flexible forms of work in accordance with the CBA Personnel Hire,
  • No minimum contract periods,
  • Possibility of taking on temporary staff as permanent employees.

Together with you, we analyse your needs and develop a solution tailored to your situation.


As a hirer, you need qualified temporary staff who are experts in your field. Therefore, our recruiters will provide you with suitable profiles of candidates who have the necessary know-how in your field within a very short time.
In Switzerland, we offer our personnel hire service in the following specialist areas, among others:


When personnel are deployed in another company, as is the case with personnel leasing, certain legal provisions must be observed. These include, above all, that the hiring contract between the hiring company and the company employing the staff must be set out in writing. This contract must include the most important details such as the addresses of the hiring company and the licensing authority, the professional skills of the employee, the type of work to be performed, the place of work and the beginning and end of the assignment. 

The notice periods, the working hours of the employee and the costs of the placement, including all social benefits, supplements, expenses and fringe benefits, must also be recorded in the contract (Art. 22 Labour Placement Act (AVG)).
If the employing company is subject to a generally binding collective labour agreement (GAV), these provisions must also be complied with by the hiring company. There is a special generally binding CLA for personnel leasing in Switzerland that applies to all personnel leasing companies that have a federal or cantonal leasing permit in accordance with the AVG.

Foreign workers require a valid work and residence permit, which is usually the case for EU and EFTA citizens.

Contractual clauses that require the employee to pay fees, make financial advance payments or withhold wages are not permitted. The same applies to agreements that make it difficult for employees to transfer to the company of assignment after the expiry of the employment contract.

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