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Employer Value Position

Employer Value ­Proposition (EVP)

as a key recruiting tool

The shortage of skilled workers and the change in values, especially among the younger generation, make recruiting a real challenge today. If your company wants to successfully attract new talent in the labour market and retain existing staff in the long term, it is crucial to differentiate yourself from your competitors and stand out positively.

The Employer Value Proposition (EVP) plays an important role in optimal employer positioning. It describes the characteristic profile of your existing corporate culture and the benefits your employees can expect from you. 

What are you doing to ensure that your employees feel comfortable and can identify with your company? Is the work fun? How is the cooperation and teamwork? Are they not only challenged, but also encouraged? If you can answer these questions with a "yes" and fill your employer value proposition with further positive content, your chances of recruiting and retaining staff will improve.

As an experienced personnel service provider, we are happy to help you here with our recruitment and consulting solutions..


The abbreviation EVP stands for Employer Value Proposition. It is the strategic core of all employer communication and describes the benefits for employees. EVP summarises which values are important to a company, which common goals the company wants to achieve with its employees and what distinguishes the working environment. It is therefore about much more than salary and company pension and health care.

There is an increasing focus on topics such as working climate, further training opportunities, career opportunities, communication with each other, dealing with digitalisation, equality, integration measures, social commitment, sustainability.


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Illustration Lightbulb

What are the goals of the Employer Value Proposition (EVP)?

The Employer Value Proposition is a fundamental part of employer branding and aims to build a positive employer image in order to successfully attract employees. You can think of your own Employer Value Proposition as your company's application portfolio, with lots of different information and letters of reference, which you can use to successfully attract and retain staff in the long term.


The Employer Value Proposition is intended for all your employees. It reflects the voice of your entire workforce and you should formulate it across target groups. Everyone involved should be able to recognise themselves in the EVP, understand the core statements and messages of the employer brand and thus be able to carry them to the outside world. 

Creating an EVP is a lengthy and complex process. The following questions and tips will help you formulate your value proposition:



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What are the unique selling points and core values of your corporate culture and how does your staff think?

Develop the EVP together with as many employees as possible (from many different departments) from your entire company. Professionals from the shop floor have different priorities than sales, HR or administration, and those entering the workforce have different priorities than older managers.


How does your competition argue?

Take a look at other companies. On the one hand, this can inspire you to offer new employer benefits, on the other hand, it can also show you what other companies do not offer. Ideally, your employer value proposition is a unique, attractive and inspiring package.

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Which arguments best suit your company and appeal to as many applicants as possible?

In addition to classic topics such as salary, training opportunities and promotion prospects, also consider other aspects such as an optimal work-life balance, remote working, a company kindergarten or your company's commitment to social and environmental issues.


Wie kommunizieren Sie Ihre EVP? 

Achten Sie auf eine eigene und authentische Kommunikation, die auf Ihr Unternehmen zugeschnitten ist. Berücksichtigen Sie dabei Erfahrungen und Learnings aus Ihrem bisherigen Recruiting, um den optimalen Stil und die geeigneten Kommunikationskanäle zu finden.  


Your employer value proposition differentiates you from other companies, provides orientation for applicants, offers your staff opportunities for identification and points the way for the company's development. As a team, you should determine internally which benefits and characteristics you should focus on and how you should communicate them. This is the only way to create trust both internally and externally.

One thing is undisputed: the EVP creates better conditions for recruiting in your company. On request, we can support you as a professional personnel service provider with all our know-how.

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