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Personnel recruitment
Recruiting tips for HR employees

Wertvolle Tipps für Recruiter zur Personalgewinnung
Wertvolle Tipps für Recruiter zur Personalgewinnung
Wertvolle Tipps für Recruiter zur Personalgewinnung

The battle to get the best employees is becoming increasingly intensive. Companies compete for qualified candidates. In an increasing number of cases, you are in the position of having to make your company look as attractive as possible, and introducing yourself to potential applicants. New personnel recruiting methods which go far beyond the placement of job ads are needed for this.

Many HR specialists are therefore asking themselves: Where do I find the candidates I require? How do I set up an employer brand? How do I convince potential applicants to join my company?

The answers to these questions can be found in numerous new instruments and methods which we will introduce to you in detail in our recruiting tips.

The recruiting process


Inbound Recruiting

How do you search for suitable applicants? The right strategy will help you to find qualified specialists.
Tips for the recruiting process

Personnel recruiting is evolving, and mostly takes place online. We'll show you what E-recruiting is all about, and how you can use it to your advantage.
Tips for E-recruiting

Do you still wait for applications, or are you proactive? Find out how to target your desired candidates and acquire them for yourself.
Tips for inbound recruiting

Recruiting Funnel

Diversity Recruiting

Campus Recruiting

Are you appealing to a wide range of potential candidates, but only receive a few qualified applicants? This is how to optimise your application process.
Tips for the recruiting funnel

Make a statement by means of diversity, and create an integrative and socially balanced workforce. We'll show you how to do that.
Tips for diversity recruiting

Acquire young, motivated talents and make your company stand out using university marketing. This is how you find your specialists of tomorrow.
Tips for campus recruiting

Nutzen Sie Social Media in der Rekrutierung
Nutzen Sie Social Media in der Rekrutierung
Nutzen Sie Social Media in der Rekrutierung

Go different ways in personnel recruiting

“Do you use LinkedIn?” These and similar questions quickly arise when professionals want to network with each another. But companies also know how to use the possibilities of social media networks for themselves.

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and especially LinkedIn provide almost unlimited possibilities for recruiting new employees. As a recruiter, you can get in contact with potential candidates using active sourcing and, present the advantages of your company and acquire desirable candidates.

We will explain how Social Media Recruiting works on the individual platforms, and provide valuable tips for finding candidates on LinkedIn.

Social Media Recruiting

LinkedIn Recruiting

Use the different possibilities of the most popular social media networks, and appeal to your target group in exactly the location where they interact. Find out which formats are suitable for your employer branding, and which content makes your company look impressive.
Tips on social media recruiting


LinkedIn is the ultimate career network. As well as networking experts and linking them to companies in every industry, the network also provides special recruiting tools. We will show you how to use these to successfully find employees.
Tips on LinkedIn recruiting

Wir finden für Sie geeignetes Fachpersonal
Wir finden für Sie geeignetes Fachpersonal
Wir finden für Sie geeignetes Fachpersonal

Find out more about cooperating with Hays

Are you looking for suitable specialist staff? We would be pleased to support you, and can fall back on independent experts and highly qualified employees with highly developed industrial expertise from our comprehensive pool of candidates.

Let us know what you’re looking for, and we will present you with a list of suitable candidates within a few days. Payment is only required after successful appointment. Would you like to know more? Please contact us at +41 44 225 50 00 or