Business Meeting

Job profile

Business Development Manager (m/f/d)

Market analysis, the development of existing business areas and the development of new markets make the work of a Business Development Manager challenging, but also exciting. In view of increasing international competition, business development management is a sought-after business area in many industries for the future positioning and further development of organizations. 

Find the right job as a Business Development Manager - with Hays

As a competent, multi-skilled Business Development Manager, are you looking for a position in a company where you can make a contribution? Do you want to develop yourself further, advance your career or are you simply unhappy in your current Business Development job? Find a position that matches your qualifications with Hays. 

Are you looking for suitable Business Development Managers to work in your company? 

Are you looking for an ambitious specialist who can discover new potential for your company and set the course for new markets on the international stage? Business development managers open up new markets and contribute specific expertise to your company's success. We have the right specialist for you. 

Are you looking for a new project as a Business Development Manager (m/f/d)? 

Do you already have experience in various business development projects and are now looking for a new challenge? Then we can help you with project acquisition with our Hays project exchange. 

What is a Business Development Manager? Aligning the company strategically 

Business development managers are people who develop and implement strategies to promote the growth and profitability of a company.  

They identify new business opportunities, make important contacts and improve existing services or products. The aim is to keep an eye on the company's profitability and respond to rapid economic change. Depending on the size of the company, BDMs work directly with the management. The balancing act between customer needs, competition, future trends and market development makes your job as a Business Development Manager unique and varied. 

Business Development Managers - often also called Company Development Managers - are therefore sought-after specialists and occupy a key position in the company. They act as a highly communicative interface between customers and management and often climb steeply up the career ladder in the course of their work.  

The BD Manager is not limited to a specific industry.  

Companies are often looking for engineers from the fields of natural sciences, IT, mechanical engineering, telecommunications, the pharmaceutical industry or biotechnology. An academic background is therefore a good basis for a career as a Business Development Manager - although career changers also have good prospects. 

Business Development Manager average salary Switzerland: What do Business Development Managers earn? 

With a job as a BDM, your salary is generally above the Swiss average.  

Business Development Managers earn an average of CHF 115,000 per year in Switzerland. This figure can vary depending on the canton, gender and qualifications. For example, the average annual salary in Bern is CHF 135,000, while in Zurich it is CHF 106,000.  

The following applies: the more relevant your professional experience in a particular sector and the larger the company you work for, the higher your salary will be.  

Junior Business Development Manager average salary: This is your starting salary as a Business Development Manager in Switzerland 

A Junior Business Development Manager in Switzerland earns an average salary of around CHF 90,000 per year. This figure can vary depending on the company and location. 

Senior Business Development Manager salary: Your earnings as a BD Manager 

Experienced Senior Business Development Managers in Switzerland earn an average of CHF 160,000 per year. 

Business Development Manager tasks: What does a Business Development Manager do? 

Analyzing, drawing conclusions, developing strategies - that describes the job of a business development manager in a few words.  

Based on continuous analyses, BDMs optimize existing corporate strategies and design new ones. Improving operational performance is also one of their tasks. In doing so, Business Development Managers keep an eye on the potential of other companies, external specialists and their own employees and resources.  

Your goal as a Business Development Manager is to boost business and to do this you need to increase sales. Therefore, your tasks also include sales talks with customers - especially in sales-oriented business development. 

It is therefore very important to initiate contact with potential customers or partner companies, as this is the only way to realize innovative strategies. Internally, there is close cooperation with Key Account Managers, so it is important that each area knows its tasks. Not least because of this customer contact and collaboration with other teams, empathy, networking and communication skills are particularly in demand in the soft skills area. 

In summary, Business Development has the following tasks: 

  • Design and implementation of new strategies in marketing, sales and customer service 

  • Market and competitor analysis 

  • Communication with (potential) customers and partner companies 

  • Exchange and cooperation with the development department 

  • Training employees with regard to new strategic goals 

  • Presence at trade fairs and conferences 

The main areas of responsibility in Business Development are: 
  • New customer acquisition: BD managers identify potential new customers who could be of interest to the company. They build relationships with them and develop strategies to win them over and retain them in the long term. 

  • Product development: Business Development Managers work closely with the product teams to improve existing products and develop new products tailored to the needs of customers. They use market analysis and feedback to ensure that the company's products remain competitive. 

  • Opening up new markets: BDMs analyze new market opportunities and develop strategies to tap into them. This may involve expanding into new geographical areas, entering new sectors or adapting products or services to new customer segments. 

Which of these areas of responsibility will be most important to you as a Company Development Manager depends heavily on the strategic orientation of the company. Is the company predominantly sales-oriented or is the focus on marketing? As a BDM, you can also focus on the (further) development of products and have less contact with customers. 

Junior Business Development Manager Tasks 

Junior business development managers are usually entry-level professionals who focus on the development and implementation of business strategies. They are often responsible for conducting market and competitive analysis, identifying potential new customers and developing customer acquisition strategies. They work closely with the sales and marketing teams and help to improve the company's products and services and develop new ones. 

Senior Business Development Manager tasks 

Senior Business Development Managers usually have more experience and responsibility than Junior BDMs. They are often responsible for the strategic development of the company and work directly with top management. They conduct comprehensive market and competitive analyses, develop and implement new business strategies and look for opportunities to expand into new markets. In addition, they may also be responsible for monitoring and reporting on the company's performance. 

Business Development Further training and studies: How do you become a business developer? 

There is no fixed training and career path for business development managers. However, a degree in business administration is definitely an advantage and serves as a good basis for a future in business development. Your professional skills and experience are particularly important. This is why the requirements for this job depend heavily on the industry in which you work. 

As a rule, the position of Business Development Manager is not an entry-level position. It requires a certain amount of experience - both in the relevant specialist area and in dealing with customers and management. 

Business development training 

Business development managers should be constantly up to date in order to be able to make data-based forecasts for the company and industry. Therefore, it is only beneficial to constantly expand your own know-how and keep it up to date. Organizations themselves offer many further and advanced training courses in order to develop their own staff and transfer management tasks in the long term. Possible contents include process management, employee management and team management. 

Business development studies in Switzerland 

A Business Development Management Master's degree course is the best way to start directly as a BDM. Although many different courses of study - especially business administration - are suitable for starting a career, there are now also specific BDM courses on offer in Switzerland: 
Other suitable subjects for a career as a BD manager are: 
  • Business administration 

  • Marketing & Sales 

  • Computer science 

  • Engineering 

  • International Business 

Although there is no prescribed training path for BDM, an academic degree in business administration or other disciplines serves as a good stepping stone to becoming a recognized specialist and manager in the field of business development. 

Business development training 

In Switzerland, there are other business development management training courses in addition to a suitable degree course that will pave the way for your career. One example is the Digital Business Development (CAS) certificate, which you can complete at Bern University of Applied Sciences. At the University of St. Gallen, you can attend a three-day seminar on business development. 

A completed technical education that matches the chosen industry is also suitable as a basis for a career as a Business Development Manager.  

Business Development Manager skills: Your skills in business development 

In addition to technical know-how, soft skills are particularly important in business development management. BD managers must be able to network well, make contact with potential customers, conduct negotiations and contribute creative ideas.  

Analytical skills are also required, as important decisions on product development are based on market analyses, empirical data and market and economic trends. 


The most important hard skills in business development include: 

  • Professional experience in development, marketing or sales 

  • Industry-specific knowledge 

  • Analytical understanding 

  • IT skills  

  • Good knowledge of English 

Important soft skills for Business Development Managers are: 
  • (Intercultural) communication skills and negotiation skills 

  • Strong self-motivation and proactivity 

  • Resilience and self-organization 

  • A feel for trends and current developments in the industry 

  • Willingness to travel 

  • Creativity and inventiveness 

Business Development Manager career: opportunities on the job market  

The job market in Switzerland offers promising opportunities for Business Development Managers. The role of Business Development Manager is in high demand in Switzerland and is offered in many industries. The dynamic nature of the Swiss labor market offers a variety of opportunities for this profession. 

Business development managers play a crucial role in the strategic development and implementation of new business ideas with the aim of increasing the company's sales, expanding and optimizing market share and expanding the customer base with existing, enhanced or new products. This role requires a deep understanding of the market and the ability to conduct market analysis and build networks. 

The career opportunities for Business Development Managers in Switzerland are diverse. They can work in various departments, including marketing, sales and business development. In addition, they can work in various industries, including technology, finance, healthcare and more. 

The chances of getting a job also depend on speaking several languages. It is therefore an advantage for Business Development Managers in Switzerland to speak several languages. 

In Business Development, you are already on a stepping stone towards management level: it is not uncommon for you to be able to progress to department management or beyond in this position. 

That's why you should definitely seize the opportunity to take on responsibility and prove yourself as a specialist - one who is ambitious and enjoys their job and strategically plans their own career. 

Top vacancies for business development managers: Jobs in Switzerland


Business Development Managers (BDM) are responsible for identifying and developing business opportunities for a company. They work closely with other departments to open up new markets, forge partnerships and promote company growth.

Business Development Managers (BDM) are responsible for identifying and developing business opportunities for a company. They work closely with other departments to open up new markets, forge partnerships and promote company growth.

As a Business Development Manager in Switzerland, you earn an average of CHF 115,000 gross per year. Experienced business developers who work in large companies can also earn up to CHF 160,000 per year.

As a Business Development Manager in Switzerland, you earn an average of CHF 115,000 gross per year. Experienced business developers who work in large companies can also earn up to CHF 160,000 per year.

As a Business Development Manager (BDM), you are responsible for the further development of products and services in a company. Your aim is to generate new customers, open up new markets and increase sales. 

As a Business Development Manager (BDM), you are responsible for the further development of products and services in a company. Your aim is to generate new customers, open up new markets and increase sales. 

A degree in business administration coupled with strong industry knowledge is suitable for a career as a business developer. Career changers can also embark on a career as a BDM with a high level of technical expertise. 

A degree in business administration coupled with strong industry knowledge is suitable for a career as a business developer. Career changers can also embark on a career as a BDM with a high level of technical expertise.