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Expert (M/F/D) Job offers


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    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 682991/1
    Manage vehicle handling, ride, suspension KC target setting and report interpretation Responisble for vehicle dynamic development, incl. platform concept analysis, vehicle benchmarking, chassis system concept analysis, m...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 605317/1
    Support and develop methodologies to assess risk and threat associated risk Research & specification of Cyber Security covering all different aspect of modern connected vehicle...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 736441/1
    Defining business requirements and aligning them with business Translating business requirements into technical requirements Assessing feasibility and planning technical implementation Creation, Enhancement of Celonis Da...

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    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 740007/1
    You will become part of the team that creates the technological platform to enable all of that, while connecting the dots between engineering, business and delivery to bring the 'Best or nothing' Portfolio to ensure the ...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 720391/1
    Through novel Multiplexer topology research or co-design with acoustic physic expert or synthesis methodology research to achieve industry-leading multiplexer performance; Novel Multiplexer topology research and synthesi...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 736261/1
    Achieve industry-leading multiplexer performance, through novel Multiplexer topology research or synthesis methodology research or co-designing with acoustic physics expert Novel Multiplexer topology research and synthes...
    near Ulm
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 510161/1
    Autonomously review, check and approval of Master Label Text draft considering regulatory requirements,standard text phrases and trial specifics. Autonomously prepare country specific label text for translation of attend...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 698427/1
    As Expert DevOps Engineer you will be working on the software factory for a premium automotive company, a large scaled CI/CD environment which is used to develop the Infotainment Platform In software factory we enable so...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 732653/1
    Responsible for specification, design, development of passive, semi-active (incl. Air-Spring) and active suspension systems Development of active suspension concepts and multi chamber air spring incl. parts specification...
    Neubiberg and Remote
    Freelance/Contracting project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 761289/1
    Provisioning of Power Signoff in Format of Infineon xdp. Development of Methodology to improve Power Signoff Methods and structure in Infineon Power Signoff xdp deliveries for define Design systems Reports, analysis and ...
    Lower Saxony
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 753961/1
    Development of test cases: Graphical modeling and creation of test cases using EXAM software Execution of tests: Automated execution of the developed test cases in various test environments such as HiL or SiL simulations...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 736262/1
    Drive technology research for motor/module architecture technology and propose a roadmap for implementation. Identify and verify new technology relating to camera motor/module design, equipment and material Resolve major...
    Remote and Munich
    Freelance/Contracting project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 758522/1
    Develop a smooth export flow from existing SysML model Transform SysML model representation to SystemC Automate the exportation of SysML model...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 736267/1
    Responsible for optical design for mobile phone imaging lens and new imaging architecture Production and verification of the optical design scheme Patent layout for the lens Build a manufacturing-oriented optical design ...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 740448/1
    Coordinate opportunity-risk analyses according to internal guidelines in cooperation with business partners from different regions Ensure thorough review and agreement of analysis results, recommendations and approval co...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 727540/1
    Approval of external service provider Quality Risk Assessments (QRAs) to enable identification and evaluation of various metrics, risks, trends, and potential quality and performance issues with the ESP in a proactive ma...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 602798/1
    You will join the Global QA Capability team on a special project to increase the accuracy and completeness of critical Quality records Be responsible for understanding, documenting and implementing requirements for Qual...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 718190/1
    Being part in a distributed team which automates all the processes around the user management of the SoftwareFactory Create python micro services for automation and have them high available within AWS Provide interfaces ...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 504369/1
    Manage and improve whole life cycle of backend services Maintain production service by introducing monitoring tools, KPIs for availability, latency and system health Build services, tooling and create processes that simp...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 687887/1
    Leading a team composed of researchers and engineers working at the intersection of cyber-security and machine learning. Committing to pursuing research excellence based on strong theoretical foundations with practical a...
    1 2 3 8

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