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Job and Project Portal
for Specialists and Managers


18645 Hits

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    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 756515/1
    Fastsættelse af salgsplaner, mål og målsætninger Coaching og træning af salgsteamet for at sikre kontinuerlig udvikling og forbedring Udforme salgsprognoser og budgettering for at optimere ressourceallokeringen Evaluere ...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 754844/1
    Som Project Controller vil du være ansvarlig for flere projektledere og de tilhørende projekter samt for et eller flere profitcentre. Din hverdag vil involvere rapportering til koncernledelsen i samarbejde med CFO'en, pr...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 762831/1
    Strategic Planning: Develop a comprehensive IT strategy for the SAP S4 landscape that aligns with the company’s business objectives and growth initiatives. This includes setting short and long-term goals, identifying key...

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    Activate job alert
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 763035/1
    Perform ad hoc data analytical requests on this CML to support businessplanning (e.g. which clients with these product usage do we have, which clients are moving when and with which products onto client’s systems). Maint...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 747592/1
    Bygge og vedligeholde relationer til kunderne. Kan du skabe stærke relationer til kunderne - bygget på god rådgivning og et højt serviceniveau, så er du lige den nye medarbejder, vi søger. Det er et job der kræver, at du...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 754051/1
    Ansvarsområder: Ledelse og koordinering af projektafdelingen, herunder daglig opgavestyring og ressourceallokering, samt samarbejdet med interne og eksterne partnere. Overvågning og sikring af fremdrift i vores store anl...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 762086/1
    Responsibility for technology management, focus on software development and digitalization Developing new technologies and contributing creative ideas that implement AI into the companie Digitization of analog processes ...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 762575/1
    Creating and editing presentations in Google Slides Graphic design for appealing slide layouts (CI) Optimizing content for visual clarity and impact...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 714341/1
    Build and maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders on all levels of the organization, including management, business process owners, and end-users in the business areas Finance, Operations, and Manufacturing, ...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 762440/1
    Responsible for local laboratory IT-Infrastructure and technical support in validation projects (CSV) in compliance with local quality systems, corporate policies and relevant regulations Periodic maintenance and monitor...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 762116/1
    Monitor A2F processes, undertaking trend and root-cause analysis to identify areas for improvement At the time of a Launch, develop and revise procedures in consultation with business sub-process owners Develop and revis...
    Basel region
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 762531/1
    Prepare and run test scripts in the area of the assigned work package Identify critical integration points and dependencies within Commercial and across other Functions Propose solutions for key gaps Provide effort esti...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 762407/1
    Setup, commissioning and maintenance of test systems for manual or automated test procedures Analysis of requirements documents, creation and maintenance of test case catalogs Execution of integration and system tests on...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 756113/1
    Build and lead a Key Account team capable of supporting Hyundai's commercial, operational, and financial goals. Develop team members and accelerate the growth of early-career high-potential talent. Develop a strong pipe...
    Freelance/Contracting project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 762068/1
    Responsible for successful delivery of projects from conception to completion and hands-off to key user: planning, estimation, tracking deliverables, coordinating meetings, providing project updates to all stakeholders L...
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 762054/1
    Sample storage and management Analytical testing and documentation of API / drug substance / drug product / finished product / Complaints / stability / packaging material samples Ensure all activities in compliance with ...
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 761372/1
    Review documents received for translation and clarify with clients the scope of the projects and the target languages, making sure that all documents are clear and ready to be translated Prepare documents for translation...
    Employment with Hays Professional Solutions GmbH
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 761949/1
    Highlighting available learning solutions for the Service community and promoting the desired culture and values Supporting the team with effectively communicating and promoting the objectives and outcomes of the learni...
    Permanent employment with our customer
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 755956/1
    Som Barchef vil du have en mangfoldig rolle med ansvaret for den daglige drift og ledelse af vinbaren samt sikre en høj standard af gæsteservice og vinoplevelser. Dine arbejdsopgaver vil blandt andet bestå i: Daglig lede...
    Basel Stadt
    Freelance/temporary employment for a project
    start date: asap
    Reference number: 761822/1
    Responsible to gather, prep, mine and format customer information and data to analyze for meaningful insights and recommends Develop and maintain models that predict market dynamics, consumer behavior, shape segments, un...
    1 2 3 933

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